Monday, August 15, 2011

Discography/Catalog August 2011 - Summer Sale!!!


Upcoming Releases:

(ds006) NRYY/Invisible Waves Split C-50 (Japanese-Finnish harsh noise)*
(ds011) Bruce the Cougar Theology In Motion (spoken word/experimental)
(ds016) V/A Two Southern Poets CD-R (spoken word)
(ds018) Ammonite Seven Stepper CD-R (ambient drone-metal)
(ds019) Our Very Own Our Very Own 3 CD-R (minimalism/drone)
(ds020) Mee-Krah New Pleasures/Improvisations on a Theme (harsh noise)
(ds021) Mee-Krah Shriek Shriek Shriek (harsh noise)
(ds022) Our Very Own Southern Electric CD-R (ambient-folk)
(ds023) Morpeth Empty Inside (Polish harsh noise/drone)

*cassette reissue

Still Available:

(ds001) Our Very Own s/t CD-R $3/$5
(ds002) Mee-Krah Pure Milk Shrine CD-Single $3/$5
(ds003) Our Very Own/Boy with Machine Split CDEP $3/$5
(ds004) NRYY Kemuri CD-R $3/$5
(ds006) NRYY/Invisible Waves Split CD-R $3/$5
(ds007) Swim Ignorant Fire Last Days CD-R (
(ds008) Our Very Own Guitarblues CD-Single $3/$5
(ds009) Mee-Krah Anarchy in the Ukraine CDEP $3/$5
(ds010) Our Very Own Borealis CD-Single $3/$5
(ds012) Our Very Own/NRYY Split CDEP $3/$5
(ds013) Mee-Krah Drunk on the Scent of Metallic Strings CDEP $3/$5
(ds014) Our Very Own Deft Nova CDEP $3/$5
(ds015) Our Very Own Our Very Own 2 CDEP $3/$5
(ds017) Amputer Cybecology C-46 $2/$5

All prices post paid USA/World


Still Available:

(cr001) The Cobra DJs Syntax CD-R $3/$5
(cr002) L. Nariz Secondary Alignment CDEP $3/$5

  • Trades Welcome
  • Email/Paypal:

Cum on feel our noize!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

OUT NOW: Amputer - Cybecology C-46 (ds017)

Our first cassette release is the debut album from new project Amputer, a noise-core act from the same chameleon artist behind Boy with Machine and The Unknown Unknowns. Using a similar template as the aforementioned projects, Amputer experiments heavily with tape loops, drum machines, transducers and various electronic devices to create an avant/industrial sound reminiscent of vintage Folkways documentary field recordings. Aural futurism blessed from beyond the grave by the spirit of Luigi Russolo. All sounds, artwork and packaging by the artist. Ltd 25. For fans of: Birchville Cat Motel, Aube, early Nine Inch Nails.

$2 ppd USA ($5 ppd World)

Trades welcome!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

OUT NOW: Our Very Own - Deft Nova CDEP (ds014)

Finally, after years in the making, we are proud to offer Deft Nova by experimental act Our Very Own. Deft Nova ventures deep into drone territory, featuring skeletal pieces bathed in a coat of distortion and delay. Using only the guitar as source material, the six velvety, atmospheric pieces envelop the ear and the contours of the soul like a safety pin sweater. For fans of Keiji Haino, Papa M, Shifts. Packaged in jewel case with vellum and art paper. Hand-numbered. Ltd.14

$3ppd USA ($5ppd World)

For more info/purchase via paypal: