While Supplies Last!!!
TITLE: Kemuri
CATALOG: ds004
DESC: Cutting-edge Japanoise for your next easy-listening party! The explosive noisedelic full-length Kemuri (roughly translated from Japanese as "smoke") by harshtronics master NRYY comes packaged in a standard jewel case with handmade cyanotype cover with faux metallic accent. At times dense and swirling, Kemuri erupts with a mix of post-industrial fuzz and damaged techno; achingly harsh and piercing. For fans of: Merzbow, Nine Inch Nails, Incapacitants, Solmania, Aube, Boar. Hand numbered.
$3ppd USA
$5ppd World
PAYPAL: dangeroussoundsrecs@hotmail.com
Cum on feel our noize.